Language in the Neighborhood
Everyone in The Hague must be able to participate in society and be given the opportunity to use their talents. It is important to master the Dutch language. Organizations that want to participate in the Language in the Neighborhood project will find more information on this page.
With the Language in the Neighborhood project, the municipality encourages social (voluntary) organizations to offer low-threshold language lessons (NT2) and conversation classes to citizens of the Hague for whom Dutch is not the mother tongue.
For who is Language in the Neighborhood
Language in the Neighborhood is intended for:
- Hagenaars who can not go to the regular providers of language lessons,
- for whom Dutch is not the mother tongue,
- and who want to take the first step to learn (better) Dutch and practice with Dutch speaking.
The language and conversation classes are organized by organizations and teachers who are familiar with this group of residents and take place in the familiar living environment.
Language and conversation lessons/言語と会話のレッスン
The starting level, the ambition, the skills and the motives for learning Dutch differ among participants. That is why there are 2 forms of language teaching at Taal in de Buurt:
- NT2 lessons
- conversatielessen.
The NT2 lessons give the participant a basis for further learning and are given by a certified teacher. These lessons are meant for people who want and can learn. Participants in the conversation classes learn to speak the language in order to be able to better save themselves in daily life.
For both forms of language teaching:
- The lessons are given (weekly) in a maximum of 2 periods of 20 weeks.
- The number of teaching hours per week is 2 hours.
- The learning resources are purchased centrally.
- Participants will be tested for: learning ability, language and education level and individual learning objectives.
- ROC Mondriaan advises on the results of the test on the group classification.
- レッスンは週2回、最大20週間で行われます。
- 1週間の教習時間は2時間です。
- 学習リソースは一元的に購入されます。
- 参加者は、学習能力、語学および教育レベル、および個々の学習目標についてテストされます。
- ROC Mondriaanは、グループ分類のテストの結果について助言します。
Subsidy and support/補助金と支援
You can apply for a subsidy from the municipality to offer these forms of language education. The subsidy for conversation classes per group is € 500. For the NT2 lessons, you can receive € 700 as a fee per group . You can apply for the subsidy in the municipality’s digital counter. Here you will also find more information about the conditions. Check the Grant Subscription Language in the Neighborhood page .
これらの形態の語学教育を提供するために、地方自治体からの補助金を申請することができます。グループごとの会話クラスの補助金は500ユーロです.NT2レッスンの場合は、グループごとに700ユーロを手に入れることができます。 自治体のデジタルカウンターで補助金を申請することができます。ここでは、条件についてさらに詳しく知ることができます。「近隣」ページで「サブスクリプション言語の許可」を確認します。
The partners of the Taal in de Buurt project support the project:
- Library The Hague:
- Coordinate the project and maintain contact with the language providers
- Toolkit for volunteer language teachers available
- Provides online language help via the website (external website)
- Referring via the Language House of the Public Library.
- Payment of reimbursements for volunteers.
- Close contract with volunteers
- ROC Mondriaan: Testing the participants and advising on group classification per level and training of NT2 teachers.
- Taal aan Zee: Training of volunteers.
- Xtra: Signaling and referral.
- PEP The Hague: Payment of fees from NT2 teachers.
Participating organizations
An up-to-date overview of organizations participating in the Language in the Neighborhood project can be found on the website .
More information
You can contact the Language Neighborhood Coordinator at the Language in the Neighborhood project:
- E-mail:
- Telephone: (070) 353 68 53