Family members of foreign self-employed persons may work in paid employment
News item 01-11-2019 | 16:15
Foreign self-employed persons may only work as self-employed persons in the Netherlands. That limitation now also applies to their family members. If they want to accept a paid job, the employer must apply for a work permit.
The decision of entrepreneurs to stay in the Netherlands is partly dependent on the possibility for family members to be able to work in paid employment. Research shows that. The Cabinet has therefore decided, on the proposal of Minister Koolmees of Social Affairs and Employment, that the family members and family members of foreign self-employed persons will be allowed to work from the beginning of 2020 without extra papers. The expectation is that foreign entrepreneurs will therefore decide to stay in the Netherlands more often.
在留許可証の裏には、有給雇用が許可されているかどうかが示されています。あなたの許可証は、「ロンジニエストの地域に住んでいる人はTWVに会った」(「労働許可付きの有給雇用でのみ許可されている」)と述べています。 TWVがあります。
自営業者の家族は、労働許可なしで働くことができます。居住許可には「arbeid als zelfstandige toegestaan」と記載されています。 arbeid vrij toegestaan、TWV niet vereist」(「自営業者としての仕事は制限なしで許可、仕事は制限なしで許可、労働許可は不要」)
オランダで5年間働いたことがありますか?その後、オランダで自由に働くことができます。 TWVはもう必要ありません。
居住許可は少なくとも4か月間有効ですか?書類の居住許可を労働市場通知「arbeid vrij toegestaan」(自由に許可された労働)に置き換えることができます。
許可は3か月以内に失効しますか?拡張機能を申請します。新しい居住許可証に「arbeid vrij toegestaan」という労働市場通知を希望するフォームに書いてください。
Right to work
The back of your residence permit shows if you are allowed to do paid employment. Your permit states ‘arbeid in loondienst alleen toegestaan met TWV (‘only allowed work in paid employment with work permit’) This means that, with a residence permit to work ‘on a self-employed basis’, you may only work if your employer has a TWV for you.
Familymembers of self-employed persons are allowed to work without a work permit. The residence permit states ‘arbeid als zelfstandige toegestaan. arbeid vrij toegestaan, TWV niet vereist’ (‘work as a self-employed person allowed free from restrictions, work allowed free from restrictions, Work permit not required’)
Labour market notification ‘work freely permitted’
Have you worked in the Netherlands for 5 years? Then you are free to work in the Netherlands. You do not need an TWV anymore.
Is your residence permit still valid for a least 4 months? You can replace your residence permit for a document with the labour market notification ‘arbeid vrij toegestaan’ (work freely permitted).
Does your permit expire within 3 months? Apply for extension. Write on the form that you wish to have the labour market notification ‘arbeid vrij toegestaan’ on your new residence permit.